Even as he keeps fueling concerns about former President Donald Trump’s fans being “semi-fascist,” President Joe Biden is getting ready to make a significant address on Thursday in which he promises to heal the “spirit of the nation.”
At a fundraiser last week, Biden criticized the “extreme MAGA mindset” that drives the Republican Party and said, “It’s not only Trump, it’s the entire idea that supports the — I’m going to say this — it’s like semi-fascism.”
Even if he made subliminal appeals for collaboration throughout his 2020 campaign, Biden is fueling worries about the risks posed by Trump supporters.
“We see each other’s party as the adversary rather than as the opposition. During his speech at Gettysburg in October 2020, Biden declared that “this must cease.”
At 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, the president will give his brand-new “spirit of the nation” speech close to Independence Hall in Pennsylvania.
Biden, though, seems increasingly eager to attack Republicans and portray them as a threat to democracy as the November elections get near.
At a campaign event, Biden declared, “The MAGA Republicans are a menace to our entire democracy. They threaten our individual liberties and financial stability.”
Ahead of the midterm elections, Biden and his campaign staff have attempted to paint MAGA Republicans as “the other” party that poses a grave threat to the United States because of their poor support ratings on economic concerns.
At a Safer America event, President Joe Biden snaps a selfie with a spectator. President Joe Biden spoke for gun control reform during a visit to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. In his address, he made much of defeating the NRA.
I like conservative Republicans, but I don’t respect these MAGA Republicans, Biden complained, adding that “there are not many true Republicans around anymore.”
Republicans are becoming increasingly convinced that under Biden, the government is being used as a weapon against the former president and his followers as a result of the president’s remarks and the FBI raid on previous President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence.