President Biden’s approval rating has fallen to an all-time low in the RealClearPolitics poll average, dropping below 38% for the first time in his term.
Five days later, Joe Biden’s lowest point yet occurred, as the Supreme Court ruled in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade, which Democrats had anticipated would bring about a resurgence of Democratic enthusiasm.
In a desperate bid to raise his flagging popularity, Biden resorted to another hyperventilating, hyperbolic assault on conservatives.
“Folks, let’s make one thing clear: The ultra-MAGA agenda has always been about eliminating women’s rights in every state,” he tweeted.
“I don’t see how this can fail to excite voters,” Sonia Ossorio, the president of the National Organization for Women in New York, said after the Supreme Court’s decision. “Women are fed up.”
“Elect more MAGA Republicans if you want nationwide abortion restrictions, the imprisonment of women and doctors, and no exemptions for incest or rape. Alternatively, vote for more pro-choice Democrats to preserve Roe v. Wade.,” ranted Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
“Ultra-MAGA,” according to Biden, is a term he has grown to like. “Let me tell you about this ultra- MAGA agenda,” Biden complained in a speech on the economy in early May. It is extreme, as most of the MAGA things are, he added.
“The White House works hard to brand Republicans and their ideas as an ‘ultra MAGA agenda’ in a bid to overcome the president’s poor approval ratings and voters’ growing dissatisfaction with high inflation, in order for Democrats to hold onto Congress,” according to USA Today.
“You have to remember, the President’s view is that you can do both,” Psaki said when asked how Biden’s attacks on “Ultra-MAGA” Republicans would fit with his promise of bringing people together. “He thinks there’s work we can do together… He isn’t going to sit back and not call out what he sees as ‘Ultra-MAGA’ attitudes or ideas that are outside the norm of the country and aren’t in the best interests of Americans.”
“It’s the president’s language, and as you know, he made those statements himself just last week. I think what has struck him is how extreme some of the ideas and proposals put forward by that certain wing of the Republican Party — that is consuming too much of the party — are,” said Psaki. “So to him, adding a little ‘Ultra’ to it gave it a little more oomph.”
“Just because he repeats the phrase ‘Ultra MAGA’ 20 times it won’t make inflation go away,” Fox News political commentator Dana Perino said.