In what apparently is a true tweet from Biden’s social media account instead of satire from a parody website, the president reminded Americans who are caught in Tropical Storm Henri about what is really important.
“To the people in Henri’s path: Don’t forget you might need to seek shelter while we are still battling the Delta variant. So use a mask and attempt to social distance. And to everyone across the nation, don’t get caught in the next storm. Get vaccinated rich now,” the tweet said.
Henri, which began as a hurricane, swept through the eastern coast bringing heavy rain, winds, flash flooding, and power outages and some evacuations as it landed. The storm led to several governors and mayors to issue states of emergency and asked residents to shelter in place.
Rain is falling at this writing in some places, leading to the potential for more flash flooding, although leaders at the National Hurricane Center changed Henri to a downgraded tropical depression.
To those in Henri’s path: Don't forget that you may need to seek shelter while we’re still battling COVID-19 and the Delta variant. So wear a mask and try to observe social distancing.
And to everyone across the country, don't get caught by the next storm. Get vaccinated now.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 23, 2021
Biden pledged that states who were slammed in the storm will get full backing at the federal level.
Although this tweet was supposedly given by a staffer instead of Biden himself, but it does work as a callback — in a completely different context — to Chris Wallace’s question this past Sunday: “Does the president not understand what is going on?”
Many Americans feel this same way.
The stench of regret! Rasmussen poll finds most wouldn’t vote to reelect Biden
— BPR (@BIZPACReview) August 19, 2021
As a thought experiment, imagine the response from the media had President Trump tweeted this same message during the middle of a weather-related crisis.
With a fully open southern border even as the president shows concern within his tweet about the Delta variant of coronavirus, Border Patrol officials have warned that Biden White House is allegedly allowing illegals into the nation on a regular basis who either have the covid or have not been tested.
In any event, some social media users slammed the Biden tweet with a lot of scorn. Here is a look at what was said:
I’d call you a joke but that’s not fair to jokes, at least some of them are funny.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) August 23, 2021
Can’t even have a natural disaster without mentioning vaccines.
— Beth Baumann (@eb454) August 23, 2021
If you’re really worried about COVID you would close the southern border
— DanaLeigh (@DanaLeigh_Tx) August 23, 2021
Bruh. How does a vaccine protect you against hurricanes? 😂😂 And where can I get the Sharknado vaccine?
— Unhinged and Unhedged 🇮🇹 (@Hellbender420) August 23, 2021
What the heck does this even mean? Wearing a mask will ward off a hurricane? Great leadership… great advice.
— betsy (@betsycoffey) August 23, 2021
More Joe:
Dear masses of people crushed up against the gates at the Kabul airportWe have asked the Taliban to start checking vaccine passports & enforcing social distancing
WTF is crazy Joe babbling about?
Did he get two tweets mixed up?— Jim Hanson (@JimHansonDC) August 23, 2021
Wtf is a vaccine going to do against a hurricane… I’m sorry but I was trying to be optimistic about you, but that’s completely over now. I didn’t overly like who I voted for, but at least it wasn’t you Mr. President
— Terry Moore (@Terry56080087) August 23, 2021
Count the masks here, without a teleprompter.
— Big Shoots (@hrbekroenick) August 23, 2021
But if you’re a Texas Democratic legislator on a charter flight, mask regulations do not apply
— It Gets Better (@NotTheHOFer) August 23, 2021
I may have missed the weather channel report but is Henri some kind of Covid laden hurricane? Seems like very unusual advice. Before a hurricane most suggestions are about having a safe place, batteries, flashlight, water…you know, common sense stuff.
— Towelie ⚛️🌾⚒️🚜🛢 (@FFLJohn) August 23, 2021
Like this
— AMYB (@ABerg2021) August 23, 2021
— Trish Regan (@trish_regan) August 23, 2021
If I’m getting hounded or pounded by hurricane winds, a mask and social distancing aren’t my first thoughts, Mr President.
— David Peretto (@david_peretto) August 23, 2021
what if the hurricane blows your mask off?
— Jonathon Snyder (@JonathonSnyder) August 23, 2021
This is so bizarre I'm thinking Joe might have actually written it.
— Kate Hyde (@KateHydeNY) August 23, 2021
Author: Scott Dowdy