In an effort to combat “hate speech,” Reddit has banned the term “groomer,” a label for child predators who expose juveniles to sexually explicit content. The statement that being transgender is a mental illness has also been prohibited. Some on social media have created the term “predditor” as a replacement for groomer.
Over the last year, the issue of youngsters being exposed to sexually explicit material has drawn increased notice on social media, particularly the leftist-backed movement of children attending drag shows.
It’s a “fantastic thing” to expose children to drag shows, according to Slate, which claims they are “mature enough” to comprehend “sexual innuendo.”
In response to this trend, the term “groomer” quickly became the preferred word of choice for those who were disgusted by the left’s apparent intent to ruin childhood innocence.
The word groomer is no longer acceptable on Reddit. The far-left news organization, which directly influenced the 2020 election by blacklisting its largest community of Trump supporters, has banned the term if used to describe LGBT people, but it will also include a wide range of behaviors that are frequently criticized, including taking children to drag performances and pride parades.
Slate’s Alejandra Caraballo hailed the decision, calling on Twitter to follow suit. “Reddit is now more proactive than Twitter,” she added. “Your move, @TwitterSafety.”
#Predditor has started trending on Reddit and social media spectators in response to the ban.
It’s also prohibited to “call being trans a mental illness” in Reddit’s updated terms, as it is in the DSM, the world’s most widely used diagnostic handbook for psychological disorders. Gender dysphoria is classified as a disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).