Since Pete Buttigieg, the current Secretary of Transportation oversaw the greatest stretch of transportation-related disasters in modern history, it is inconceivable that it would fall under his purview. The true culprit, according to the left, is Donald Trump.
Yes, the wicked orange man was responsible for the train’s derailment, which released vinyl chloride onto the environment and produced a mushroom cloud akin to one from a nuclear explosion.
Leftists all around the world shared a screenshot of an article mentioning the rule change made by the Trump administration in 2018 after Buttigieg’s allegation went viral.
The issue? The assertion has nothing to do with what occurred in Ohio. First of all, there were no braking problems with the train. Instead, a broken axle caused it to derrail. Furthermore, the train was not transporting oil, to which the regulation rollback during the Trump administration was expressly related.
Additionally, even though it has occasionally been a bit of a mystery, Joe Biden has been president for the past two years. Why didn’t Buttigieg attempt to reinstall the regulation, even if it resulted in a legal dispute if it was so terrific and effective? He’s trying to drag Trump into the controversy by bringing up a totally unrelated regulation, despite the fact that Biden has been in control for the past two years. So how does that square?
Furthermore, wouldn’t it make more sense for Buttigieg to shift responsibility by claiming that the government cannot be held accountable for train axles breaking? But he can’t because he and his party have created a façade that claims the government can resolve any issue. He would be undercutting the left’s savior complex, and we just cannot have that. If he were to say, “Look, there are certain things the DOT just can’t avoid, and train parts breaking in unexpected accidents is one of them,”
Ultimately, it is just dishonest to divert attention to the Trump administration. Even if the Ohio tragedy involved brakes and oil tankers, it wouldn’t indicate that a lack of regulations was to blame for the collision. There are times when things simply break, and Big Daddy government can’t fix everything.