However, when it comes to the southern border, which is being Zerg rushed by swarms of illegal immigrants, these same individuals turn into Casper the Friendly Ghost.
There are few politicians, even in the Republican Party, who are prepared to defend US national sovereignty. Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs is trying to change that.
In June, the Border Patrol apprehended nearly 240,000 illegal aliens along the border. This is the highest amount for a month in American history. Joe Biden does not have full control of the southern border.
According to Andrew R. Arthur from the Center for Immigration Studies, who obtained statistics from Border Protection, in May, Border Patrol agents captured exactly 222,656 unlawful immigrants.
The failure at the border is not a coincidence. It’s the consequence of poor public policy, particularly in the Biden administration, which has done little to improve border security and has allowed interior enforcement to deteriorate.
With Biden’s 2024 election prospects crumbling, one must wonder whether he will leave a spiteful parting gift for the next president in 2024. This might be accomplished through the complete collapse of the border, with millions of immigrants pouring into (a future voting base for Democrats) and causing havoc.
Controlling mass migration is critical, regardless of how you look at it. If the US does not address this issue, it will cease to exist as a sovereign nation.
Of course, this is also true of Europe, Canada, and Australia. All nations where there are majority, or formerly majority white populations. Is there an agenda at the highest levels of globalism to “replace” or “genocide” white people? If such an agenda does exist, you can be sure that Joe Biden is one of its chief supporters.