Our story started on Thursday when the House of Representatives approved Resolution 24, also known as the “Disapproving the actions of the D.C Council in Approving Local Voting Rights Act.” According to Fox News, the resolution aims to repeal a law that allowed illegal immigrants to vote locally and was approved by the D.C. Council back in October.
The D.C. Home Rule Act from 1973 authorizes the House joint resolution. It gives D.C. citizens a voice in choosing their city council and mayor, but it also gives Congress the power to reject any legislation the council passes. Depending on the law, Congress has somewhere between one and two months to revoke it.
“Surprisingly,” 162 Dems. voted in favor of allowing illegal aliens to cast ballots in Washington, D.C. elections. I wonder why, huh? We’ll succeed on a huge scale.
So, after listening to Democrats complain all day about the GOP and the resolution, Ohio GOP Rep. Jim Jordan, the chairman of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee sent out a tweet that every person on the earth should agree with, in relation to their own nations.
“Yesterday, 162 Dems. voted to let illegal immigrants cast ballots in Washington, D.C. elections. Ridiculous. Elections in America should only be open to Americans.”
So it goes without saying that Twitter was under attack. A large number of the tweets were just plain stupid, like this guy’s:
One Twitter user stated: “All those lawfully residing in the region impacted by the results of the elections should be eligible to vote in state and municipal elections.”
House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) put a stop to the aforementioned nonsense:
“Really? Does anyone in our nation believe that a person who works at the Chinese embassy in D.C., should be able to cast a ballot in the election? Definitely not; what they did is ridiculous.”
Emmer’s conclusions are always valid.
Let’s go on to the main point of the entire incident as the misplaced fury persisted.
The Democrat Party is the epitome of hypocrisy, as I’ve stated more times than I can count. They jabber on and on about how they are the party of women, inclusivity, children, etc., but they do not mean a word of it. We are aware of it. They are aware of it. They are aware that we are aware of this.