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Triggered: Elon Musk’s Daughter Goes Berserk After Trump Victory

Triggered: Elon Musk’s Daughter Goes Berserk After Trump Victory

Elon Musk’s estranged transgender daughter took to social media to declare she’s had it with America after Donald Trump’s…
Meet the ‘Ice Maiden’ – Trump’s First Staff Pick Puts Dems in Meltdown Mode

Meet the ‘Ice Maiden’ – Trump’s First Staff Pick Puts Dems in Meltdown Mode

President-elect Donald Trump has just made history yet again by naming Susan Summerall Wiles as his White House chief of…
Maxine Waters in Full-Blown Hysteria Over Trump’s Return to Power

Maxine Waters in Full-Blown Hysteria Over Trump’s Return to Power

In classic fashion, Rep. Maxine Waters just can’t handle the fact that President-elect Donald Trump is back. Waters, who…
Late-Night Host Goes into Full Meltdown Mode Over Trump’s Victory

Late-Night Host Goes into Full Meltdown Mode Over Trump’s Victory

Jimmy Kimmel went full drama mode during his monologue Wednesday night following…