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Is Biden Traveling To Europe To Stop Or Start WW3?

The White House announced this week that Pres. Joe Biden will make a trip to Brussels for a special meeting with NATO next week....

Biden’s New Humiliating Failure Is Being Censored Everywhere

Sarah Bloom Raskin, Pres. Joe Biden’s choice for a crucial Federal Reserve roll, withdrew her nomination this week after getting bipartisan pushback. Sarah Raskin’s nomination...

Democrats Move To Impoverish Americans They Don’t Like

Prices at the gas pump are crushing American's wallets with no end in sight, with fuel averaging over $4.00 per gallon across the country,...

Biden Guts The American Economy In The Worst Way Possible

Up, up and you still have to pay. The avg. price for regular-grade gas in the United States at the pump increased a whopping...

Putin Rattles The American Deep State With Personal Threats

  Russia announced this week that they are declaring sanctions against top United States officials, including Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, as well as deep...

Democrats Breakout Into Civil War Over Biden’s New Appointee

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) has slammed Fed. Energy Regulatory Chairman Richard Glick, a Joe Biden appointee, during remarks he made late last week over...

Biden Uses The Government To Bully Conservative Americans

The PC technician, who worked on Hunter Biden’s famous “laptop from hell” and then gave it to the FBI, says his recent unemployment claims were stopped...

Supreme Court Justice Unleashes Fury On Far-Left Democrats

SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas said efforts to raise the amount of justices may harm the integrity of the court and made his concern known...

Democrats’ Next Gun-Grabbing Strategy Gets Leaked, And It’s 100% Evil

The changing sands of Democrat Beto O’Rourke’s anti second amendment and gun control plans have been cemented, for now, into a promise to buy AR-15s...

Joe Biden Syndrome: Kamala Can’t Remember What Country She’s In

Why is Kamala Harris the one constantly going to Europe to deal with the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Sure, we know that Joe Biden’s...