On Tuesday, after co-host Whoopi Goldberg slandered TPUSA by claiming that the conservative group had let neo-Nazis enter into their event on Saturday, in Tampa, Florida, #SueThe View trended on Twitter. She then attempted to rectify her remarks, stating that the neo-Nazis were “outside demonstrators.”
Charlie Kirk, the founder of TPUSA, threatened legal action against the program.
The co-host of “The View,” Sara Haines, prompted Goldberg’s comments by stating, “I have a legal note for you. Turning Point USA, a conservative organization, has condemned the organization of neo-Nazis and stated that they have nothing to do with the group.”
“But where was DeSantis,” asked co-host Joy Behar, mockingly, “Yeah, but where was DeSantis when we needed him?”
She then turned to TPUSA, claiming, “But you let them in even when You knew what they were and yet you allowed it to happen. As a result, you are complicit.”
After a commercial break, Goldberg declared, “I’d like to clarify that the neo-Nazis at the Turning Point event: that they were outside demonstrators.”
But she continued, “My intention was more figurative, that you embrace them at your event. So I just — they had not entered the building; they were in the midst of the crowd at the event.”
“After a group of left-wing protesters and Antifa arrived, as they always do to protest our event, then they eventually dispersed. Then these ‘nazis’ showed up,” the PUSA tweet continued. “We have no idea who these people are; likewise, ABC and other news organizations aren’t interested enough to figure it out.”
“TPUSA students confronted and debated with these people,” the group added. “Our security tried to remove the ‘nazis’ but was unable to do so because they were on a public sidewalk. These people dispersed when TPUSA students departed the area.”
In an attempt to smear him by connecting him to their rhetoric, neo-Nazis brandished anti-Semitic items and a sign with the words “DeSantis Country.”
Turning Point USA released a statement in which they stated, “Turning Point USA 100% rejects these ideas in the strongest possible terms.” They explained that since the people were on public property, their removal was beyond Turning Point’s capabilities and TPUSA students initially confronted them but then departed.