Jeff Clark, a former official in the Trump administration’s Department of Justice, said this week that he has not been able to find any proof that Vice President Kamala Harris has ever personally led the pursuit of a single case at the county or state level.
“I want to know if she has ever “first-chaired” a hearing,” Clark said on The Charlie Kirk Show on the Real America’s Voice network. “If you don’t, it’s not honest to call yourself a great lawyer.”
Harris often talks about her work as a lawyer as one of the most important things that makes her qualified for the presidency. In her stump speech, she often says:
“As many of you know, I was elected Attorney General of California before I was elected Vice President and Senator of the United States. Before that, I worked as a lawyer in a courtroom. I fought all kinds of bad guys in those jobs. Men who preyed on women, swindlers who stole from customers, and cheats who broke the rules to get what they wanted.”
Her court appearances are on record, but they were not always for the better. Harris was the district attorney for San Francisco when actor Jamal Trulove was wrongfully convicted of murder. Trulove said that she was in court when the decision was read and that she “busted out laughing.” He said that he didn’t really know her during the hearing.
On the Internet, Clark has been looking into law records and has asked for help from people on social media. He said that there is some proof that she showed up in some cases, but there are still no trial records that show Harris was in charge of the prosecution in any case or that she fought cases at the appellate level.
Harris failed the first time she took the California Bar Exam. She started out in politics with help from her boyfriend, California power broker Willie Brown. Brown had been mayor of San Francisco and Speaker of the California State Assembly. Brown later admitted that he lined up Harris’s appointments to two state boards.