Yes, he has reached the point where, in an effort to gain influence, he is now disparaging people from Papa New Guinea. Once more, the forest gum in reverse arrives.
When the president tried to brush Israel under the rug once more, he also allowed his senility to win out. Biden asserted in a mind-numbing statement that he warned Israel to “do not move on Haifa.” There is only one issue. The Israeli city of Haifa is located far from Gaza in the country’s north.
But that was not the end of it. Next, in an extremely uncomfortable and worrisome turn of events, Biden showed up at a petrol station.
Nobody appears very impressed to see Biden enter the room with secret service escorts in tow. There is hardly the same boisterous gathering and outpouring of support as when Donald Trump stops by a public place. The president eventually gets one individual to take a selfie with him while the others just wait there after slowly making their way to the counter. After that, he simply turns around and leaves. The visit took about two minutes in total.
This was a political box-checking exercise, and a foolish one at that. Not simply because of his lack of passion but also because of how weak and fragile Biden appears in that video, it is not an appropriate comparison to make with Trump.
Take a look at his gait. He moves his arms so little that it is obvious he is considering ways to make them appear more regular. Forget about the jagged, short strides he takes—a speed that would make a sloth win a race. He gives off the impression that he has no idea where he is or why he is there. Most likely, his handlers merely gave him directions, and that is how he ended up at the petrol station. Then, when pressed on a Chinese policy issue by a reporter, he said, “Do not jump.” Where did you jump from? the ground level?
If re-elected, how is this man going to survive for another four years? No president in history has applied for a second term under these circumstances. The idea that Biden is in charge of the nuclear arsenal implies that someone else is truly in charge of it, which is unsettling. This is all quite concerning. Voters in the United States must set aside their complaints and work to prevent this man from regaining the White House.