When the ultimate decision did emerge, Pelosi was furious that she had not been able to influence or intimidate the Court — even in the face of howling and threatening mob. She railed about a “radical Supreme Court,” calling it a “Republican-controlled” court. Pelosi attempted to stoke greater outrage against the Court by claiming that the latter was talking about targeting other “rights,” such as contraception, when it clearly stated that this was not true.
Nancy Pelosi recognized that she wouldn’t be able to generate enough fury with only abortion, therefore she had to deceive in order to make the threat seem stronger and expand to more people – in order for people to care.
Pelosi is now going a step farther in an email she has sent out to individuals, urging them to “RISE UP” against the “far-right extremists” on the Supreme Court.
“Trump’s Supreme Court just ruled to take reproductive rights away from all the women in the country,” reads an email, attempting to arouse your feelings.
It concludes, “I’m not kidding when I say that.” We can either accept defeat from these far-right extremists, it adds, then goes all out in bold red type: “OR we CAN RISE UP, and meet this ONCE-IN-A-GENERATION moment, and come up with a response so HISTORIC that it makes every single anti-choice Republican start to REGRET what they have done.”
What are they going to do to make Republicans “REGRET what they have done”? Doesn’t that sound like a threat?
I’m not sure about you, but I think about the man who attempted to fire on the Republican congressional baseball practice, among other things. Leftists such as Nancy Pelosi had been predicting for months that the GOP wanted to push Granny off a cliff and destroy everyone’s healthcare. We may have forgotten that other Republicans were threatened, harassed, and assaulted during the Democratic campaign to smear them. I also consider what could trigger someone like that guy who went to shoot Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Things like this read like a clarion call to them.
Now, Pelosi does ask for money in her emails — as this email is primarily about fundraising, not to mention keeping them safe in the midterm elections. She asks for cash to help “codify” the bill into law. They’ve had 50 years to codify it and they haven’t done it yet. They’re in power now, but they don’t have the votes. This is all about increasing turnout so that Democrats can win again. However, they don’t give a damn since doing so might result in people being harmed inadvertently while stoking their anger.
Pelosi ends her message by claiming that this isn’t a “usual fundraising email,” and that a standard response will not be sufficient.
Meanwhile, we see protesters storming the Arizona Capitol and lawmakers being kept “hostage” until the authorities were able to clear out the crowd with tear gas.
Meanwhile, scores of churches and pro-life centers have been damaged, firebombed, or otherwise assaulted.
A pair of researchers from the University of Georgia has produced a map pinpointing the precise addresses of pro-life pregnancy clinics, which are assisting women.
What is the goal of the map? “To provide location information for all of the crisis pregnancy centers in the United States.” Such clinics are referred to as “fake women’s health centers” on the website. It’s being promoted by leftists and anarchists for no reason other than to supply additional information. Of course, for informational purposes only.
So, will there be hearings over this?
The same individuals who are erupting over Jan. 6 are denouncing the Court as “extreme” and “illegitimate,” vowing to defy it, whipping up the anger without any care for what may happen. There have already been assaults and an assassination attempt. I am afraid that the left has not yet finished its mischief.