Justice Stephen Breyer has given a warning to liberals who wish to expand the U.S. Supreme Court.
“What goes around comes around. And if Democrats are able to do it, the Republicans can also do it,” Breyer said to the NPR during an interview released this week.
Breyer, who is 83, has been pushed by progressives to resign so President Biden can put a younger liberal in his place.
The court’s oldest member and the oldest liberal in the high court said he has struggled to decide when he should retire, and he does not want his replacement to go against everything he has done for the past 25 years.
Progressives are angry that the High Court is comprised of six justices who were nominated by GOP presidents and only three nominated by liberal presidents.
Joe Biden has formed a group to look at possible changes to the court.
Democrats again were called to pack the High Court with four additional members after the justices would not block a Texas law that essentially makes abortions illegal.
Breyer, however, stated that an important part of our country was public acceptance of court ruling that prevail even when many people have not agreed with the choice.
While out promoting his new book, “The Authority of the Court and the Peril of Politics,” the justice mentioned what former Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nev., said concerning Bush v. Gore when the High Court effectively said that George W. Bush won the 2000 election.
“He said the most incredible thing about this was that even though half the country did not like it, and it was completely wrong, they followed it, and didn’t throw brickbats and they did not have riots,” Breyer said.
Breyer also said to NPR that he welcomed the continuing oral arguments in the court, stating that it helps “human interaction.”
“I think it is better to be there so you can really see the lawyer and your colleagues, and get more out of a human interaction,” he stated.
“We’re not automatons. We are human beings, and I believe that when human beings discuss issues face to face there is a better chance of getting things worked out. That is true with the lawyers, and it’s also true with the justices.”
Author: Scott Dowdy