People in the U.S. are already very angry at the Federal Emergency Management Agency for arriving a week late to “help” the Hurricane Helene victims and giving only $750 to citizens who were affected by the storm while giving much more to illegal immigrants.
They will be even more angry when they learn that FEMA believes LGBTQIA+ people should be better off than Americans who are not in the rainbow group.
In a recently resurfaced video, five FEMA officials talk about how natural disasters “mostly affect LGBTQIA people” and how the agency “should focus [its] efforts there.”
One flashy agent put his hand over his heart and said, “LGBTQIA people and people who have been oppressed already are suffering. They already have their own things to deal with, so adding a disaster on top of that makes things worse,”
“Nobody is talking about it or making friends with it.” He went on, “We’re not paying attention to this neighborhood.”
“What we’re seeing right now is a change in emergency management from utilitarian principles to disaster justice,” said another agent named Maggie. “Utilitarian principles say that everything should be for the greatest good of the greatest number of people.”
“We need to look at policies and figure out how much they have hurt areas that already had a hard time getting disaster-related rebuilding help,” she said.
The movie is a training film from about a year ago, so it has nothing to do with Hurricane Helene. However, it shows how profoundly insane and anti-American FEMA is.
It is totally insane that the federal government would help people in disasters based on their sexuality.
One conservative joked, “Our LGBTQI two-spirit strange brothers and sisters are already having a hard time, so let the straight people die because that would be fair because they’ve had it too good.”