Biden made the remarks as “teachers of the year” were invited to Washington for a picture.
“Have our kids acquired enough confidence and know what they can accomplish, to reach in. We are obligated to teach, to help them reach their full potential,’” Joe Biden said as he attempted to form a coherent sentence in a press conference.
“You have heard me say this so many times about our children, but it is true. They are all our children and because you understand this that is the reason you were named a teacher of the year. They are not anyone else’s kids. When they are in class, they’re like yours,” he continued.
It was reported that “Teacher of theYear” honors are frequently given to Marxist revolutionaries at war with the United States Constitution.
“Heroes” should commit terror attacks against Republicans, according to Rodney Robinson, a teacher and indoctrinator who won the national teacher of the year award in 2019.
In response to remarks from Kentuckian Sen. Mitch McConnell, Robinson stated that he hoped his neighbors would assault him like Rand Paul was attacked in 2017 and asked for McConnell’s neighbors to do the same to the Senate Majority leader.
“Who are the neighbors of Mitch McConnell? I’m only stating that Rand Paul’s actions were what a real Kentucky hero should do. It’s your opportunity to step up,” Robinson stated in his bloodthirsty tweet applauding political violence.
Kelley Paul, wife of Senator Rand Paul, responded to Robinson’s statement:
After he was named 2019 national teacher of the year, CBS This Morning lavished Robinson with a positive profile.
CBS This Morning stated, “Robinson teaches history and social studies at the Virgie Binford Center, which is a school in the Richmond Juvenile Detention facility. His classes aim to help his pupils make the best of their second chance by teaching them to be socially aware citizens. Robinson made it clear that his pupils are just like other teenagers.”